Definition of holistic or alternative medicine
Alternative medicine, also called holistic, gentle, complementary or unconventional medicine, offers a wide choice of practices and therapies. It distinguishes itself from traditional Western medicine by its holistic approach to health, which considers the human being as a whole, taking into account their body, mind and emotions.
Unlike conventional medicine, alternative medicine is not taught to health professionals during their traditional training. You will therefore not see it during your preparatory years in medical school except in certain countries. It is based on often ancient traditions and philosophies, and offers alternative solutions to traditional medical treatments.
It is important to emphasize that alternative medicine is not intended to replace conventional medicine.. However, it can be considered as a complementary therapy to relieve various ailments and improve general well-being. L'World Health Organization (WHO) currently recognizes 4 alternative medicines: acupuncture, homeopathy, mesotherapy and osteopathy. But there are many more, such as naturopathy, phytotherapy or hypnotherapy, to name just a few.
The field of alternative medicine is constantly evolving, with new practices and therapies emerging regularly. It's important to find out and choose qualified and experienced practitioners to make the most of these holistic approaches to health.